Moon is up! Percent Illuminated: 17.826 % Magnitude: -10.83 Moonrise was at 2025/3/25 09:57:07 Moonset at 2025/3/25 20:41:49 Length of moonshine: 10:44:42
Next first quarter Moon: 2025/4/5 02:14:37 Next full Moon: 2025/4/13 00:22:12 Next last quarter Moon: 2025/4/21 01:35:29 Next new Moon: 2025/3/29 10:57:47
Sol data
Daytime: True
Astronomical twilight begins: 2025/3/25 10:59:10
Nautical twilight begins: 2025/3/25 11:27:19
Civil twilight begins: 2025/3/25 11:55:10
Sunrise: 2025/3/25 12:19:00
Transit: 2025/3/25 18:27:23
Sunset: 2025/3/26 00:36:13
Civil twilight ends: 2025/3/26 01:00:06
Nautical twilight ends: 2025/3/26 01:28:00
Astronomical twilight ends: 2025/3/26 01:56:13
Length of day: 12:17:13
Next solstice: 2025/6/21 02:42:19
Next equinox: 2025/9/22 18:19:17
Jovian Moons
3/25 18:49:25 Now
3/25 18:00:00 i ♃ ge c
3/25 21:00:00 i ♃ g c
3/26 00:00:00 i ♃ ge c
3/26 03:00:00 i ♃ g c
3/26 06:00:00 eg c
3/26 09:00:00 eg♃ i c
3/26 12:00:00 eg ♃ i c
3/26 15:00:00 eg ♃ i c
3/26 18:00:00 e g ♃ i c
3/26 21:00:00 eg ♃ i c
3/27 00:00:00 eg ♃ i c
3/27 03:00:00 ge i c
3/27 06:00:00 g e i ♃ c
3/27 09:00:00 g e i ♃ c
3/27 12:00:00 g e i ♃ c
3/27 15:00:00 g ei ♃ c
East is to the right i = Io, e = Europa, g = Ganymede, c = Callisto