Astronomical data

Some local sky data, all times UTC.


Solar System data

BodyMagnitudeRight AscensionDeclinationAltitudeAzimuthNext Transit
Sun-26.821:45:51.92-13.4706°24.6357°123.7871°2025/2/12 18:35:46
Moon-12.599:49:35.5615.3456°-22.6741°304.6443°2025/2/13 07:10:53
Mercury-1.221:58:00.70-14.4680°21.7718°122.4787°2025/2/12 18:48:22
Venus-4.450:14:02.185.6574°4.6720°86.0478°2025/2/12 21:03:25
Mars-0.727:19:44.6726.2249°-32.3841°344.6173°2025/2/13 04:07:11
Jupiter-2.294:39:39.9121.6994°-33.0183°28.5602°2025/2/13 01:27:57
Saturn1.1623:21:34.74-6.2197°9.9325°103.0370°2025/2/12 20:10:46
Uranus5.733:24:02.0318.3762°-25.6006°47.4889°2025/2/13 00:12:29
Neptune7.9423:55:52.12-1.8272°4.9016°94.8252°2025/2/12 20:44:54
Pluto14.5420:22:01.05-22.8647°30.0561°147.8185°2025/2/12 17:11:37

Moon data

Moon is not up!
Percent Illuminated: 99.941 %
Magnitude: -12.59
Next Moonrise at 2025/2/13 00:26:47
Moonset at 2025/2/13 13:47:11
Length of moonshine: 13:20:23

Next first quarter Moon: 2025/3/6 16:31:35
Next full Moon: 2025/3/14 06:54:35
Next last quarter Moon: 2025/2/20 17:32:30
Next new Moon: 2025/2/28 00:44:46

Sol data

Next solstice: 2025/6/21 02:42:19
Next equinox: 2025/3/20 09:01:15

Jovian Moons

2/12 15:11:49 Now
2/12 15:00:00     c           g    e         ♃i
2/12 18:00:00    c            g     e      i ♃
2/12 21:00:00    c           g       e   i   ♃
2/13 00:00:00    c           g         e     ♃
2/13 03:00:00    c           g         i e   ♃
2/13 06:00:00    c           g          i  e ♃
2/13 09:00:00     c           g           i  e
2/13 12:00:00     c           g             i♃ e
2/13 15:00:00     c            g             ♃ i e
2/13 18:00:00      c            g            ♃   i e
2/13 21:00:00      c             g           ♃     i e
2/14 00:00:00      c              g          ♃     i  e
2/14 03:00:00       c              g         ♃    i    e
2/14 06:00:00        c               g       ♃   i     e
2/14 09:00:00        c                g      ♃i        e
2/14 12:00:00         c                 g  i ♃        e
East is to the right i = Io, e = Europa, g = Ganymede, c = Callisto


Pass #Rise TimeDurationPeak AltitudeMagnitudeDaylight
02025/2/12 16:30:111325.8s-1.55°2.0True
12025/2/12 18:08:221383.3s3.93°2.0True
22025/2/12 19:45:281442.8s31.70°2.0True
32025/2/12 21:22:171409.4s15.18°2.0True
42025/2/12 23:00:031179.7s-6.29°2.0True
52025/2/13 07:46:38132.2s-17.91°2.0True
62025/2/13 09:13:131207.7s-5.19°2.0False
72025/2/13 10:47:231415.2s18.49°2.0False
82025/2/13 12:23:481438.7s26.33°2.0False
92025/2/13 14:02:001375.9s3.09°2.0False