Fotografie - México

I spent some time here avoiding Tropical Storm Arthur which eventually fizzled.

Paraíso, Tabasco

Pemex Puerto Dos Bocas

Dia de la Marina

Navy day in dos Bocas. This celebration included the pilot ships and a few crew ships sailing around the port blaring their horns and throwing wreaths overboard for the dead. Given that the port was closed for Tropical Storm Arthur, there was quite a showing and plenty of ships to observe. There appears to be a ship with Naval officers, as well as plenty of civilians aboard the touring ships. More on navy day at Sangre de indio, Fotos Coatzacoalcos and Blueroadrunner.

Locale Fotos from México

Paraíso, Tabasco ~ Dos BocasDos Bocas
Coatzacoalcos, Vera CruzCoatzacoalcos, Vera Cruz
Ciudad del Carmen, CampecheCiudad del Carmen, Capmeche
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